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Waikato BOP Schools

Mountain Bike Competition

Ebbett Volkswagen and the WE LOVE VW team were proud to have sponsored and been the named partner of the Waikato BOP Schools Mountain Bike Competition in March 2023 at the Te Miro Mountain Bike Park. This event brought together over 250 competitors from schools all over the greater Waikato including Taupo and BOP. The Ebbett VW team helped by supporting the volunteers with a custom marshall area - the Grand California as well as the use of the mighty Amarok BBQ which helped feed many hungry bellies on the day. It was great to see so many happy faces and a lot of fierce competition from the 10yr olds up to under 20's.

Congratulations to all the winners in each of their races. As well as thank you to all the competitors and supporters for making it such a successful day.


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Ways we can help

VW vehicle donated to Hospice Waikato